Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Traumatic Brain Injury.

Due to events that have transpired over the last several weeks, I feel strongly to write about Traumatic Brain Injury--TBI. Several weeks ago my Grandad was in a horrible car accident. He was hit by a careless drunk driver going approximately 90 MPH. He was life-flighted to a neighboring hospital and is currently seeking treatment for a severe and debilitating concussion--otherwise referred to as TBI. The reason this is especially poignant to me is 1. this is a member of my family. 2. I am on the road to recovery (still) after receiving a TBI due to a car accident several years ago. 

First off, I would just like to express my concern about careless driving. As a driver of a motor vehicle, whenever you put your keys in the ignition you are taking on the responsibility for the lives of those in the car, others on the road, along with your own life. Please do not accept this responsibility lightly. Be it texting, drinking, eating, talking on the phone, etc.--IT CAN WAIT. Please please please remember this responsibility the next time you are out driving. At least do it for the other drivers if not for yourself.

The other thing I would like to mention is that concussions are REAL. I spent a good portion of my high school career being teased as the "girl with the broken brain", or being accused of "faking it". The tough thing about concussions is that they are an internal injury. People only see the external "you". They have no idea what kind of physical, emotional, and mental hell you're going through on the inside though. Even if you think you're fine after sustaining a blow to the head it is so important to make sure that you see trained specialists in the neuro-field. I am so thankful that my parents took me in to get treatment. I cannot emphasize enough how crucial every day is when you're dealing with a brain injury.  My advice is even if you have a slight suspicion that you might have a concussion, get an appointment…yesterday! After all, this is your brain! 

I apologize for this rant. Ever since the accident I have been extremely adamant that there needs to be more awareness and understanding regarding brain injuries. They're REAL. So please, if you have sustained a brain injury get treatment. If you know someone who has sustained an injury of this magnitude please please please try to be understanding of the challenges they are facing. And also, do not be a distracted (or drunk) driver. 

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