Saturday, May 10, 2014

Lucious Locks?

I've seen this all over Pinterest and I've been interested to give it a whirl. I have read that coconut oil is really beneficial for making your hair softer, shinier, and longer. A combo of the dry Utah air and the somewhat arid climate here in Oregon has completely fried my locks, so I  figured what the heck, I'll try it! I used some organic Coconut oil from Trader Joes: 
A few tablespoons was plenty, even for my long hair. I heated it until it was translucent and applied it to my hair. Now as weird as it sounds, as soon as I put the oil in my hair I put it up in a messy bun and then covered my hair up in a shower cap. It's supposed to help trap heat which in turns opens up the follicle and helped the nutrients from the oil condition the hair. Then I wrapped my hair in a towel and now I'm just waiting. This is without a doubt the oddest thing I've ever done to my hair! Hopefully it works because I am craving long hair so badly! Generally people put this in their hair overnight but I was kinda sketched out about accidentally getting some on my pillow so I decided to just leave it in all day! There's nothing better than a lazy day! I got impatient so I used a blow dryer to add some heat to my hair. Then I washed it out and it feels so much softer and shinier! Honestly it felt as soft as right after you get a hair cut at a salon! My hair was pretty damaged before so I think if I continue this process the sheen will become more visible. Here's a photo of the finished product:
5 minutes with a curling iron and voila! #naturalblonde #btwdontmindthesockmonkeypjs

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